$10,000 in Total Scholarships to Students & Teachers
Over 15,000 Backpacks Filled with School Supplies given away to Families in DC, MD, & Virginia
Over 10,000 Hours in Schools & Community Working with Youth, Parents, & Community talking about the importance of education.
Boys & Girls reading program every Monday active since 2016
Mission Statement
MakeSmartCool, Inc empowers our Youth, Parents, Teachers and Community to be visionaries and advocates of effective educational methods and learning experiences. MakeSmartCool’s mission is to revolutionize how young people think about education, in addition to showing them ways to avoid dangerous pitfalls that a lack of education may cause.
Due to the socioeconomic challenges of numerous communities , which ultimately affect our young people today, education can easily become a second priority to a family’s survival and financial needs. However, our organization works tirelessly to enact change, by showing children that with tailored, engaging education, anything is possible. The sky really is the limit! Additionally, MakeSmartCool, Inc motivates our youth to stay off the streets, and stay in the classrooms – where there is a ‘whole wide world’ of information just waiting to embrace them, support them, and guide them to a flourishing life. We recognize that many of our youth today, are looking for a way to be more prosperous than their current environment. MakeSmartCool, Inc helps students connect success to their knowledge base – because we know that a better future truly begins with quality education.
About Us
MakeSmartCool, Inc. was founded in in 2013 by Photographer and Entrepreneur, Anthony Tilghman The organization became a Non-Profit 501(c)(3), on January 4th 2017. The goal of the organization is to motivate and empower Youth, Parents, Teachers and the community to #MakeSmartCool and revolutionize how young people think about education in addition to showing them ways to avoid the pitfalls that a lack of education may cause.
Anthony Tilghman is an Award-Winning photographer of the 2020 & 2021 & 2022 Dateline Awards by the DC Chapter of Society Dateline awards Society of Professional Journalists photographer, Education advocate, Mentor, and Published Author with years of experience in media, photography, marketing and branding. He is also the chair for the Prince George’s County Education roundtable and Through his work, Anthony Tilghman continues to live out his dreams every day. He has Published 4 Children’s Books and his recent children’s book Titled “Black Male, Black Hoodie"" which teaches the impact the of social injustice. Learn More about Anthony Tilghman and see His Work at
Check out Executive Director Anthony Tilghman Book "From Homeless to Cool"
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